Did You Know?

Did You Know? 

What’s in the name:  The Stroll of Poets 

By Leslie Dawson

Thirty years ago, at its organizational meeting, Doug Elves suggested the Stroll of Poets name because it actually was a stroll.  It began as an annual event where scores of poets and listeners strolled down Whyte Avenue, from bistro to bar, from bar to bookstore, poets speaking and listeners listening to the poets read their works.  Ivan Sundal recalls one meeting when someone pointed out that the word “stroll” was also used to describe “johns” looking for prostitutes.  Others said, not to worry, we’ll reclaim the word for our own.

The Stroll was an annual event for nearly two decades, taking place on the first Sunday of October. The venues included car dealerships, where one dealer even claimed to have sold a car at the event.  Many poets cut their teeth reading to an audience during the Stroll, including Anne Gerard Marshall, who read aloud for the first time there.  Sixty-five poets read the first year, with at least two hundred in the audience, says Alice Major. Afterwards, the multitudes retired? to the No Bards Barred Bar (at the Canadian Legion).  Today’s Stroll activities are “relatively sedate,” says Major, admitting, “we were a lot younger then.”

Because the annual event was a lot of work for just a few people, The Stroll evolved into a weekly event, with many volunteers, at the Upper Crust Restaurant.  Now, during Covid times, it has transformed into a Zoom meeting called “Haven at Home”.  But The Stroll of Poets is not just a literary trick. It really was a Stroll.

Up Next at the Haven – December 13

Monday, December 13, 7:00 pm, “Doors” 6:30 pm 

Featured Readers: Neil Meili, Corinne Jackson, Vivian Zenari, & Anne Stewart

Mic Host: Alice Major

Open Mic:  Sign-up (2-min. poem) New and first-time readers are always welcome and given priority during the Open Mic.

Zoom invite If you know anyone who would like to join our online reading nights and is not a Stroll member please direct them to strollquestions@gmail.com.

Please note all requests for Zoom links to “Haven at Home” evenings need to be done before 5pm.

Up Next at the Haven – November 29

Monday, November 29, 7:00 pm, “Doors” 6:30 pm 

Featured Readers: David Brydges, Lisa Mulrooney, Tyler DeWacht, & Lauraine Saretsky

Mic Host:
Max Vandersteen

Open Mic:  Sign-up (2-min. poem) New and first-time readers are always welcome and given priority during the Open Mic.

Zoom invite If you know anyone who would like to join our online reading nights and is not a Stroll member please direct them to strollquestions@gmail.com.

Please note all requests for Zoom links to “Haven at Home” evenings need to be done before 5pm.


Hello Strollers,

It’s time to think about submitting that special poem or cover art for the 2022 anthology. Look for full submission guidelines at strollofpoets.com/stroll-anthology.

Poetry Submissions
Poems are now being accepted for inclusion in the 2022 anthology. How do you qualify to submit a poem? Just one simple criteria:

  • You’re a paid-up member of the Edmonton Stroll of Poets.

It’s that easy!

Cover Art Submissions
You do not have to be a Stroll member to offer a cover art entry. The Cover Art Competition is open to all. We welcome photographs, drawings, etchings, sketches, details from a larger painting, graphic design art, or anything visually appealing that will fit on the anthology’s 8-1/2” x 9” cover. Subjects with a clear Edmonton connection are also appreciated. A limit of three cover art submissions will be accepted from any one person.

The deadline for both poetry and cover art submissions is Saturday, January 15, 2022. I invite you to select your poem of choice for the Stroll of Poets Anthology 2022, and submit it sooner rather than later.

Please email your poem or cover art submission(s) to: strollantho@writersguild.ab.ca

I look forward to hearing from all of you.

Deborah Lawson
Managing Editor
Stroll of Poets Anthology 2022

Up Next at the Haven – November 15

Monday, November 15, 7:00 pm, “Doors” 6:30 pm 

Featured Readers: Leslie Dawson, Phyllis Shuell, Brenda Gunn, & Guy Chambers

Mic Host: Loren Marsden

Open Mic:  Sign-up (2-min. poem) New and first-time readers are always welcome and given priority during the Open Mic.

Zoom invite If you know anyone who would like to join our online reading nights and is not a Stroll member please direct them to strollquestions@gmail.com.

Please note all requests for Zoom links to “Haven at Home” evenings need to be done before 5pm.