Poet’s Haven Reading Series – March 10, 2025

Upper Crust, 10909 86 Ave NW
Monday, March 10, 7:00-8:30 pm
(Doors open at 6:30)

Features Poetry by: Trevor Hughes, Myrna Garanis, Anne Stewart, and Jo-Ann Godfrey

Mic Host: Trudy Grienauer
Joining Anne Gerard Marshall as door hosts:Anna Mioduchowska

Open Mic: Sign-up (2-min. poem)

Welcome all! See you at the Haven! Bring your friends! New and first readers are always welcome and given priority during the Open Mic.

Attention all Stroll members;
In an effort to minimize the hazards and maintain a safe place to meet in person for residents of our local community, masks and hand sanitizer will be provided for attendees at our Haven Reading Series events and distancing will be maintained to the best of our ability.

The Haven Committee also requests that you refrain from attending the event if you are experiencing any symptoms such as a cough, runny nose or fever.

**Please note: Anyone who has signed up for a reading spot and wants to make changes or needs assistance with it, or to be added to the Haven waitlist, please email: haven@strollofpoets.com and the Haven committee will help you.

To check the Haven Master Schedule, click here.

Stroll of Poets 2025 Annual General Meeting

Sunday, March 16
Doors open: 1:30pm
Start time: 2:00pm
Location: Stanley Milner Library (#7 Sir Winston Churchill Square) Community Room #2

All Stroll of Poets members are cordially invited to attend our 2025 AGM where they can also obtain the first release of our popular annual anthology. The event will take place on Sunday, March 16, 2025. Registration starts at 1:30 pm with the meeting starting at 2:00 pm.

This year we are excited to be meeting at the Stanley Milner Library, #7 Sir Winston Churchill Square for our AGM and anthology launch. It will be held downstairs in the Community Room #2.

We’ll provide coffee, tea and a light snack. The best option for parking is the parkade under the library. Hopefully, you’ll be able to join us as it’s certain to be a wonderful afternoon.

Remember, if you wish to become a part of the Stroll of Poets leadership, line up a nominator and show up at the meeting to run in the annual election of our Board of Directors.

Membership renewals (current memberships will expire on this day) and donations to the Stroll will also be accepted at the AGM.

Poet’s Haven Reading Series – February 24, 2025

Upper Crust, 10909 86 Ave NW
Monday, February 24, 7:00-8:30 pm
(Doors open at 6:30)

Features Poetry by: Kathy Fisher, Chanel Klein, Daniel Piller, Markus Eymann

Mic Host: Kathy Fisher
Joining Anne Gerard Marshall as door hosts: Vivian Zenari

Open Mic: Sign-up (2-min. poem)

Welcome all! See you at the Haven! Bring your friends! New and first readers are always welcome and given priority during the Open Mic.

Attention all Stroll members;
In an effort to minimize the hazards and maintain a safe place to meet in person for residents of our local community, masks and hand sanitizer will be provided for attendees at our Haven Reading Series events and distancing will be maintained to the best of our ability.

The Haven Committee also requests that you refrain from attending the event if you are experiencing any symptoms such as a cough, runny nose or fever.

**Please note: Anyone who has signed up for a reading spot and wants to make changes or needs assistance with it, or to be added to the Haven waitlist, please email: haven@strollofpoets.com and the Haven committee will help you.

To check the Haven Master Schedule, click here.

Poet’s Haven Reading Series – February 10, 2025

Upper Crust, 10909 86 Ave NW
Monday, February 10, 7:00-8:30 pm
(Doors open at 6:30)

Features Poetry by: Kerry Mulholland, Jannie Edwards, Jessica Coles, and Marco Melfi

Mic Host: Dorothy Lowrie
Joining Anne Gerard Marshall as door hosts: Louise Fairley

Open Mic: Sign-up (2-min. poem)

Welcome all! See you at the Haven! Bring your friends! New and first readers are always welcome and given priority during the Open Mic.

Attention all Stroll members;
In an effort to minimize the hazards and maintain a safe place to meet in person for residents of our local community, masks and hand sanitizer will be provided for attendees at our Haven Reading Series events and distancing will be maintained to the best of our ability.

The Haven Committee also requests that you refrain from attending the event if you are experiencing any symptoms such as a cough, runny nose or fever.

**Please note: Anyone who has signed up for a reading spot and wants to make changes or needs assistance with it, or to be added to the Haven waitlist, please email: haven@strollofpoets.com and the Haven committee will help you.

To check the Haven Master Schedule, click here.

Poet’s Haven Reading Series — January 27th, 2025

Upper Crust, 10909 86 Ave NW
Monday, January 27th, 7:00-8:30 pm
(Doors open at 6:30)

Features Poetry by: Kenneth Brown, Pierrette Requier, Megan Stobbe, and Hugh McAlary

Mic Host: Kenneth Brown
Joining Anne Gerard Marshall as door hosts: Terry Elrod

Open Mic: Sign-up (2-min. poem)

Welcome all! See you at the Haven! Bring your friends! New and first readers are always welcome and given priority during the Open Mic.

Attention all Stroll members;
In an effort to minimize the hazards and maintain a safe place to meet in person for residents of our local community, masks and hand sanitizer will be provided for attendees at our Haven Reading Series events and distancing will be maintained to the best of our ability.

The Haven Committee also requests that you refrain from attending the event if you are experiencing any symptoms such as a cough, runny nose or fever.

**Please note: Anyone who has signed up for a reading spot and wants to make changes or needs assistance with it, or to be added to the Haven waitlist, please email: haven@strollofpoets.com and the Haven committee will help you.

To check the Haven Master Schedule, click here.