The Stroll of Poets board of directors hope that you are having a terrific summer but we are also excited to announce that the Haven Reading Series 2024/2025 season will be commencing in a couple of weeks at the Upper Crust Cafe with an all open mic engagement once again on September 16th.
We’re ready to get after it and hope that you will be there and/or also join us for our Haven Reading Series this season. The readings will continue on a biweekly schedule with an additional few dates at Audrey’s Bookstore in December, January, and March. One of four 10-minute featured reader spots will be available at each of these subsequent Haven Reading events for all Stroll members who have paid for their yearly membership, whether or not you contribute a poem to the yearly anthology (one reading spot per person per year only please).
Also, please remember that each session will require additional volunteers to mic host and to assist as a door host so we ask that you sign up for one of these spots as well if you can. Once you have signed up, confirmation and reminder notices will be sent to you via e-mail. To check out the available dates and sign up for reader and volunteer spots please use this link to access the Haven Reading Series sign up page: