Haven-at-Home: An Online Haven Reading – December 4

Topic: Haven at Home reading series
Time: Monday, December 4th at 7:00 PM
Online via Zoom

The Haven Committee of The Edmonton Stroll of Poets Society will be hosting an online version of our Haven Reading Series on December 4th. This event will be similar to the Haven-at Home events that were held via the Zoom platform during the Covid restrictions. As we desire very much to reconnect with the out-of-town poets we shared poetry with during that time, we have invited the following poets to fill our featured reader spots for this event. We invite all local members to join in as well to listen to their poetry presentations and take part in the open mic session included afterward.

Featured Readers: Josephine LoRe, Narayan Bhattarai, Mansour Noorbakhsh, Archna Sahni

Mic Host: Loren Marsden

Below is the information to attend the Haven-at-Home Reading event. We hope to see you there!

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82291364741?pwd=MTVLTTdESTUvbzNIUHdmUVNDT3N3QT09 
Meeting ID: 822 9136 4741
Passcode: 1234

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Meeting ID: 822 9136 4741

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbgdzWP0iQ